2016. június 30., csütörtök

MOONSPELL guest bands in Belgrade!




VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC - interview on Sounds Of Awakening fest.

How did all of this start, who are the forming members?

FRANZ: ,,The whole thing started because the bass player and I had a bit of contact before starting the band but then he moved to Linz because of University back in 2008. I always had the  vision and the plan of making a band but due to the lack of musicians,with inspiration to play this kind of music it was never possible to do . And in the end of 2008 he contacted me and in the begining it was just a formless thing,just an idea, then it got more serious and we found a drummer from a death metal band. But we had no guitarist..usualy its easier to find a guitarist than a drummer or a bass player...but we had a problem with that, and after three very week and pathetic persons we found WERNER(ROBERT).’’

WOLFGANG:,, He is also, week and pathetic’’

FRANZ: ,,But atleast he is able to drive, So it realy started to get productive and  better at the begining of 2009. So 7-years have passed and we are still on it.’’

What bands are your ispiration?

WOLFGANG: ,, Well, we do have lot of bands for inspiration,when it comes to the instrumental parts one could think we are very much inspired by Cock and ball torture,Torsofuck. But the reality is much different if you check out the drums and also the riffs,we are wery much inspired but don’t tell anyone by Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Volbeat..Werner?’’

WERNER:  ,,Linkin Park, maybe a little bit of Evanesence.’’

FRANZ: ,, I dont need inspiration, im just a vocalist.’’

Why did you choose serial killer names for your stage names?

WOLFGANG: ,,I neded it to protect my private life. And it’s also,quite cool.’’

FRANZ: ,,For him it was important to protect his private life, for me it wasn’t, because if someone realy wants to,he or she will easily  find out who we are... And Austrian serial killers are very underrated , unpresented and unknown  in Europe, that’s why we chose the ones from Austria.. I Don’t know if they’ll apreciate the promotion,because two of them are still alive.’’

WERNER: ,, It was like that before i joined the band, so i got the stage  name from Franz,buuuut i never say that  my name is Werner because my name is Robert,but it was the concept of the band and I said okay.’’

Why did you choose to play one of the most extreme genres of metal?

FRANZ: ,,I think that this is my fault again, this is the kind of music which i was listening to for a long time ,since I was 12. And the fact that not many bands played this kind of music,encouraged me to do the opposite,  I had the idea, exactly what i wanted to play right up in my head. This all happened mainly because it got realy boring listening to so many brutal death bands that  have realy good brutal parts, but then ruin it with technical solos and melodies,so i wanted the brutal and dancing parts.’’

Do your band members play in other bands?

FRANZ: ,, I do not.’’

WOLFGANG: ,,I also play the drums in Snuff Princess,that is prety much the same music we do ,but not as serious.’’

WERNER:,, I play in another band called Kardroz which plays a mix of Death  and Black metal.’’

Favorite albums,bands,artists?

FRANZ: ,, No promotions for other bands I hate them all.’’

WOLFGANG: ,,When we are on tour in the car we listen to alot of gigi D’ agustino double release 2CDs in one and all his hits on it. We listened to it 47 times and it’s still good.’’

Why don’t you have a drummer?

WOLFGANG: ’’We actually had  a drummer , a very nice one, he was playing in some death metal bands and he was realy skilled,  we started  traveling alot and he couldn’t arange him self with that lifestile so we kicked him out from the band unfortunately , and to replace him you need someone who is really skilled and also wants to play the stupid  „Umpa-tumpa” stuff. So we’re  using a drumming program on our  laptop , it’s easier to set it up and to check in with it  on an airport.’’

You are second time in Serbia correct me if i’m wrong...

FRANZ:  ’’ You are wery wrong. It’s the fourth time but the 7th concert. We played in 2010 in Uzice and Novi  Sad, then one show in Jagodina, after that, one in Belgrade, fifth round in Subotica,then again  in Novi sad,and now we are here in Sombor. This is our 7th concert  in Serbia. Subotica and Novi sad were the best but we had a fuckin good time in Jagodina too. ,,

Do you have a plan of making  new  material soon?

WERNER: ,,We are planing to record a new EP with 4 songs and a guest vocalist. We plan to record and release it this year hopefully . We are pretty slow with our material because we prefer to play live. Sitting home and recording is not realy the fun part of making music. Facebook or youtube likes are not really important to us, the most important are the people that come to shows and  to us after gigs to shake hands and share their opinion about our music.’’

Whats up with your band name?

FRANZ: ,,As i mentioned disgust is one of the main elements of the band,and the band name is one of the most important things in a bands image,the reason we chose such a unsual name was from one hand to due to the lenght, it would stand out on the flyers and posters, and in the other hand with this name we show what we represent, the mixture of brutality and black humour on our special  Austrian way.’’

Do you have any austrian underground bands to recomned to our readers?

FRANZ: ,, Pussy Bulldozer maybe, this is  a hard question.’’

WOLFGANG:  ’’ Distorted Impalement it’s excellent brutal death metal, and the biggest metal band in Austria is Belphegor I’m a huge fan of their music.’’

VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC on: Facebook

2016. június 14., kedd

Inhalator- Álmok temetője beharangozó

A győri Thrash kvartett nem pihen,nem tököl a Hanyatlás Single és a Fájdalom Színház-EP után  Vasárnap(2016.06.19) jelenik meg Álmok Temetője címmel az első teljes album. Lemezbemutató esemény:ITT

01 - Gehenna/Hanyatlás 6:48
02 - Hóhér előtt 5:09
03 - Álomgép 5:47
04 - Paranoia 4:32
05 - Passzív exitálás 5:30
06 - Fantazmagória 2:47
07 - Enigma 4:50
08 - Szkepszis 3:52
09 - Testtelen tánc 9:16
10 - Felfestett töltények 5:31

Teljes lemezhossz: 54:02

2016. június 13., hétfő

II. Blackened Mysticism Fesztivál

Még idén megrendezésre kerül  a második Blackened Mysticism Fesztivál!
2016.09.10 Debrecen-Kaptár klub!

Fellépők / Bands:

ORDER (RO/HU) - Thrash Metal

MORGON (DE) - Blackened Death Metal - Evoking Eternity lemezbemutató koncert! / Evoking Eternity album premiere!

ANDARTAR (HU) - Black Metal - Hamvakból EP bemutató koncert! / Hamvakból EP premiere!

GORE THROWER (HU) - Funeral Grind

Kapunyitás: 19:30 Kezdés: 20:30
Belépő: 1000 HuF

2016. június 3., péntek

Sounds Of Awakening 2017!

KRAANIUM - Brutal Death Metal - Oslo, Bristol, Essex (NOR)

EPICARDIECTOMY - Guttural Buldozer Slam Brutality - Prague(CZE)

ENTHRALLMENT - Death Metal - Pleven (BGR)

VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC - Goregrind/Slamdeath - Linz (AUT)

GUTTED - Death Metal - Székesfehérvár (HU)

FORMLESS TERROR - Brutal Death Metal - Skopje (MKD)

CLITGORE - Goregrind - Alba-Iulia, Cluj Napoca (ROM)

DEFIANT - Death/Black Metal - Požega / Osijek (CRO)

KRAMPÜS - Death Metal/Grindcore - Veszprém(HU)

LOWER PARTS OF HUMAN SLUDGE - Brutal/Slam/Grind - Sombor (SRB)


01.01.2017. - 31.03.2017. - 1000RSD (9 EUROS)
01.04.2017. - 18.05.2017. - 1300RSD (13 EUROS)