2016. január 26., kedd

My Top 5 Death Metal Albums

        Cancer - Death Shall Rise
       Release date :1991
1. Hung, Drawn And Quartered
2. Tasteless Incest
3. Burning Casket
4. Death Shall Rise
5. Back From The Dead
6. Gruesome Tasks
7. Corpse Fire
8. Internal Decay

Release date :  1990

1. "Lunatic of God's Creation" 
2. "Sacrificial Suicide" 
3. "Oblivious to Evil" 
4. "Dead by Dawn" 
5. "Blaspherereion" 
6. "Deicide" 
7. "Carnage in the Temple of the Damned" 
8. "Mephistopheles" 
9. "Day of Darkness" 
10. "Crucifixation" 

Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth
Release date : 1991

1.Meat Hook Sodomy
3.Living Dissection
4.Under The Rotted Flesh
5.Covered With Sores 
6.Vomit The Soul
7.Butchered At Birth
8.Rancid Amputation
9.Innards Decay


Benediction-Ashen Epitaph/The Grotesque
Release date : 1994

1. "The Grotesque" 
2. "Ashed Epitaph" 
3. "Violation Domain" (Live) 
4. "Subconscious Terror" (Live) 
5. "Vision in the Shroud" (Live) 

Edge Of Sanity - Purgathory Afterglow
Release date: 1989

1. Twilight 
2. Of Darksome Origin 
3. Blood-Colored
4. Silent 
5. Black Tears 
6. Elegy 
7. Velvet Dreams 
8. Enter Chaos 
9. The Sinner And The Sadness
10. Song Of Sirens 

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