2017. február 5., vasárnap

Adversor interview

Welcome to the page of From Underground! Firstly, please introduce yourselves to us. When and under what circumstances was the band formed, and for what influence?
Hello guys and girls,Dado's speaking from Adversor,Thrash Metal band from Italy.

The band was formed in September 2015 after the split up of my previous band. We fasten approched to our style of music defined what would be the Adversor style. No covers,just let the Thrash flows. We love old acts like Kreator,Sepultura,Sodom..

Please introduce your work to the fans, and tell us about the recordings!
-Well,our work is pretty like to put up some cool parts in each section,each riff should stimulate headbanging. When I compose i always think as a listener. What an headbanger should like here?
The recordings were pretty fast,after just 6 months we were already in the studio recording our first full-lenght, one day each instrument and the work was done.

Last October under the wings of Punishment 18 Records your first LP saw the light of day. Was it welcomed?

-Hell yes! From all over the world fanzine,webzine etc were happy about what we've done in Rise To Survive. We were happy too but we didn't expect sometimes that enthusiasm from reporters,as are critics and usually not that "easy" on their judgments.
You were invited to the Hungarian festival, the Pleasure to Thrast Fest, where you will play alongside three great Hungarian bands. Are you prepared for the party? Do you have any "rituals" before concerts?
 We are more than ready,we just can't wait to come there to thrash everyone!
 No,we do not have any rituals before the concert.

Have you ever been to Hungary? If you have, did you like it there? Which sights did you see with the most pleasure?
-Yeah i've been to Hungary just once before two years ago with some freinds and i liked! I've been just in Budapest, I remember the parliament,cool antiques shop,the Fisherman's Bastion,Heroes Square,the super cool chain bridge.. Really a cool place,I'm happy to come back!

Do you know any Hungarian bands? If the answer yes, who?
To tell you the truth no,but i'm really looking fowrard to see those bands we'll play with! I like to discover new thrash or generally metal bands from all over the world!
Please tell us about the Italian metal underground. Which bands do you have a great relationship with? Who do you recommend? What is the need for Trash Metal there like?
-The Italian Thrash Underground scene? Hell there's a lot to say in here but i'll be short.
In Italy i do think we have one of the best and most qualitative scene in all over the world. There were and still are some cool bands like Warmonger(Rip),Death Mechanism,National Suicide,Torment,Endovein(Rip),these are just few names come up to my mind right now,but there are so many! Check them out!
Alongside with the famous like Bulldozer,Necrodeath etc.
So as you see we've a lot of cool thrash bands but the italian crowd usually don't understand the value of the underground bands. We really hope that this will change soon as we're organizing a certain amount of gigs in our hometown to promote underground!

In the end, please say something to our audience! Thank you for participation!
-Thank you Gabor for the space and see you 24th February in Budapest to wreck your neck!!

Pleasure to Thrash fest : https://www.facebook.com/events/337709739927276/

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