2015. november 21., szombat

Novi Sad Undergrund

November 6th came for me after a really long waiting. It was the day of a promising show with 2 ukranian bands, Khors and Apostate, joining my favorite home death metal band, Ashen Epitaph. The biggest problem, not counting in the finding of the showhall was the distance, being held in Újvidék/Novi Sad, which isn’t the nearest possible location from Subotica. So it began the money sparing, from every possible corner, asking from my family too. After my arrival in Novi Sad, we found out the fact, that the day after the concert there will be another metal show: the U.M.F.- United Metal Festival- with bands such as Lower Parts of Human Sludge, Alitor and some others. However, the U.M.F. being a more core oriented event we weren’t really interested in participating at.

Ashen Epitaph
Speaking about the show itself, for me Ashen Epitaph delivered their best live show yet, having only small mistakes, being a really good mood enchancer after a three hour train journey and nearly another three of chill outside the show hall. Their performance was highlighted by Deep in Our Heart and Hate, two major songs which always bring out the beast from me ☺, but on this occasion, missing my hair and a big crowd, I enjoyed it more solidly. The setlist was really good, having a new song, from their upcoming record (I’m really impatient to hear it as soon as possible in good quality). I also need to mention the drummer’s awesome pear pálinka, which had it’s trip to Brutal Assault too :D.  

Having some accomodation and transport problems too, I only had the chance to see the show of Apostate from the two headliners. Their doom music has a really melancolic feeling live, but is quite enjoyable, influenced by the riffs of Candlemass, one of the greatest names in the genre. I also really like the doom style played by Evoken and Disembovelment too, but the one mentioned above is easier and better for the ear live. My only dissapointment was the personality of their singer. Can he be a really melancholic, depressive person? Or it’s his style on the scene? Maybe was he affected by the small crowd? We can’t be sure, but it lasted for the whole performance. They had some effects too, played from an ipad, and a smoke machine, which gave a well organized and epic feeling for the show, and maybe they aren’t doing it wrong at all, because while writing these paragraphs, I’m listening to their music, and I will do it in the future too.

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