2016. november 23., szerda

Review of Moloch's - "Verwüstung"

This is the first time i've heard of Ukranian band Moloch, and i must say, as far as atmospheric black metal goes, im quite impressed.
Album is on the "rawish" side of the genre, with intense guitars and all the standard blastbeating, growls that can pass the emotion of pain
and anguish to the listener well, and a surprise acoustic parts here and there.

Opening track "Todestille" is entirely atmospheric, droning and hypnotic track that serves as a good intro to the rest of the
material. Next few tracks are filled with blastbeats and screaming, multi-layered vocals, general horror and I cant escape the feeling
of being dragged down into the darkest pits of of my own personal hell. Seriously, just listen to "Nur De Tod Ist Wirklich". 
Album is taking a sharp turn on the 8th track "Verwustung" which is an outro comprising of 11 minute of cold, haunting and wistful audio similar to
Burzums "Dungeons of Darkness".

The albums title means "Devastation" in German, and from what i could dug up, its dedicated to Varg Vikernes. Very fitting, i may add.
Overall, listener is to expect just over 49 minutes of quality atmospheric black metal.

Siniša Somberlain Tošić2016,
 From Underground

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